... the end 🙂❤️🇧🇴
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
After two years and many wonderful memories sharing the gospel with my Bolivian family and friends. .....I’m home
Monday, August 12, 2019
The End. My Last Week in the Mission: What have I learned?
Well the time is coming to an end here in Bolivia. I can`t believe how fast the mission has gone by, the people i have met, the people i have changed and the people who have changed me in the process. Just as Alma stated, "Nevertheless, after much tribulation, the Lord did hear my cries, and did answer my prayers, and has made me an instrument in his hands in bringing so many of you to a knowledge of his truth. Nevertheless, in this I do not glory, for I am unworthy to glory of myself." I know that I am not the same person spiritually I was when I left on the mission 2 years ago, and I know the Lord is pleased with the sacrifice and service I have offered to Him these past 2 years.
Here is a list of 100 things that I have learned here in the mission.
1. That it`s okay to make mistakes, but that we need to truly repent and learn from our mistakes.
2. That I, Connor Ryan deCocq, am a child of God and that my Heavenly Father loves me and personally knows me.
3.That Lucifer is an enemy to God`s plan and he will do whatever it takes to lead us astray.
4.That the Book of Mormon truly is another testament of my savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ.
5. That Even in our darkest moments, Christ will never , ever leave me, but that he will always be there to comfort me.(John 14:18)
6. That the atonement of Jesus Christ is for EVERYONE.
7. That Jospeh Smith saw God the Father and his son Jesus Christ.
8. That Jesus Christ restored His church and the fullness of His gospel through His servant Joseph Smith.
9. That my savior will indeed come once more and reign on the this earth personally.
10. That obedience is the 1st principle of the gospel (Moses 5:5-6).
11. The temple is the house of the Lord here on earth and there we can receive further light and knowledge from our Heavenly Father.
12. That thanks to the condescension of Jesus Christ, He allows any desirous sinner to receive forgiveness of any sin.
13. What true charity means.
14. That no other joy compares to that of seeing a child of God, humbled to the point of repentance and making sacred covenants with our Heavenly Father.
15. That Jesus Christ is Jehovah, God of the old testament.
16. That my patriarchal blessing is my personal Liahona.
17. That exaltation is my only eternal goal.
18. That I need to be a disciple of Jesus Christ for my entire life.
19. That daily scripture study is necessary for our earthly progression.
20. Knowledge is power. (D&C 131:6).
21. That miracles still exist and will continue to exist as long as the children of God have sufficient faith .
22. That we are to be tested and to have joy in this life.
23. That this is 100% the true church of Jesus Christ here on earth.
24. I have come to understand a tad of why Christ "Wept" due to the love I have acquired for God`s children here in Bolivia.
25. That in life there are good things, better things, and best things. (Dallin H. Oaks).
26.That as long as my testimony is strong, the persecution can`t make me deny what I know to be true.
27. That music is a powerful way to invite the spirit.
28. That the most important of the Lord`s work I will ever do will be within the walls of my own home (Harold B. Lee).
29. I learned that when I teach with the spirit, sometimes I even teach myself in the process.
30. That God still talks face-to-face with his prophets.
31. That the priesthood is God`s permission given to worthy men to act in His name here on earth.
32. That the sacrament is the #1 reason for going to church every week.
33. That we always need to have the end in mind.
34. That all spirit is matter and that science goes hand in hand with the laws of heaven (D&C 131:7-8).
35. That the mercy of Christ satisfies the demands of justice.
36. That I, as was Nephi, have been born of goodly parents.
37. "That by small means the Lord can bring about great things." (1 Ne. 16:29)
38. That the fruits of the mission are manifest after one is home.
39. That God doesn`t expect us to be perfect (yet), but rather that he wants us to give our very best.
40. That part of God`s plan was that Adam and Eve would fall.
41. That I can never fully repay my Savior for all he suffered for me individually in the garden of Gethsemane.
42. That I have the same potential as all my spiritual brothers and sisters to return and live forever in God`s presence and that I can become as He is.
43. That when we are in the service of our fellow beings, we are truly in the service of our God.
44. That the harvest is great and that a marvelous work has come forth among the children of men.
45. That Moroni`s promise is fulfilled in ANY person who follows the 3 points outlined in Moroni 10:3-5.
46. The requisites for living with my Heavenly Father again.
47. How being an example for others strengthens my own testimony.
48. That if God has forgotten and forgiven it, than so should I.
49. That God listens to and answers my prayers.
50. That the most important convert from my mission has been myself.
51. That the Lord is quick to forgive, but it is us who sometimes continue to dwell on the past.
52. The Lord expects progress, not perfection (yet).
53. That nothing can replace the blessings received in the temple.
54. That the church is perfect, and the members are not.
55. That we need to look at people as they can become and not necessarily as they currently are.
56. That I, as did Peter, have to had to leave some "nets" behind in order to better follow my Savior.
57. That sometimes we receive unexpected answers to our prayers.
58. That "Bible" means books and "testament" also means covenant.
59. That we sometimes have to cling to our faith and not always what`s seen.
60. That through Noah`s son, Ham, was Cain`s curse preserved after the flood.
61. That little independent intelligences make up everything and that they can also "obey".
62. That Christ was foreordained to be the Savior before the world was.
63. That a long interaction with a high spiritual presence produces a physical tiredness/exhaustion (moses 1:9-10).
64. That all spirits desire to have bodies (D&C 138:50).
65. That the gift of tongues is real and that I am a living testimony of such.
66. That the earth was once baptized by water (i.e. flood of Noah) and will some day be cleansed by fire (i.e. end of the world) and will receive its "paradisaical glory".
67. That being learned is good if we hearken unto the Lord (2 Ne. 9:29).
68. That Thomas had to see and feel the resurrected Christ as part of the requirements of being an apostle (John 20:26 & D&C 107:23).
69. The how and why Christ is our personal mediator.
70. That we are all tempted, even as Christ was, but that yielding to said temptations is what causes sin and brings punishment.
71. That baptism is the 1st covenant that leads us back to our heavenly home.
72. That being convinced of the gospel is not enough....We must truly be converted to it.
73. That I have many weaknesses, but that`s okay (Ether 12:27).
74. That fasting produces miracles.
75. That we should always be living our lives in such a way that we are worthy to enter into the Lord`s Holy temple.
76. That the spirit world is here on earth.
77. That self-sufficiency is what the Lord expects for us.
78. That I`m really going to miss my Bolivian family.
79. That "appreciation" is an essential effective gospel teaching tool.
80. How to take initiative and be a leader.
81. How to develop Christlike attributes and happy them.
82. That the best things in life require sacrifices.
83. That there truly is no more important thing in this life other than spending time with family.
84. That do to the condescension of Jesus Christ , no one is out of reach from the redeeming power of Christ`s atonement.
85. That through faith and faithfulness, the Lord will and has bestowed many blessings upon me.
86. That in its simplicity, repentance is change.
87. How to put others interests as my first priorities and not my own interests.
88. Why Jesus Christ is referred to as the "Lamb of God".
89. How to love and see others as Christ sees them: Potential Celestial Joint-Heirs.
90. That despite the length of the race, the most important step is the first one.
91. That after over 6,000+ years, Lucifer is a master at what he does, but no power or influence is stronger than that of my Heavenly Father.
92. That the Plan of Salvation is our personal cheat sheet to return to our heavenly Father`s presence.
93. That the Holy Ghost is my daily personal guide.
94. That because my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ was resurrected, I too will one day resurrect.
95. That faith, patience , and diligence produce spiritual miracles.
96. That will not be heaven to me if I am not there with my family.
97. That trials and tests are for our own spiritual/temporal benefit as we learn to progress in this life.
98. That God`s power comes from glory and honor.
99. How to love and teach as Christ would have if he were by my side.
100. That despite having stumbled at times throughout these past two years at times, I know that my Heavenly Father is "well pleased" with my sacrifice and missionary service.
Here is a list of 100 things that I have learned here in the mission.
1. That it`s okay to make mistakes, but that we need to truly repent and learn from our mistakes.
2. That I, Connor Ryan deCocq, am a child of God and that my Heavenly Father loves me and personally knows me.
3.That Lucifer is an enemy to God`s plan and he will do whatever it takes to lead us astray.
4.That the Book of Mormon truly is another testament of my savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ.
5. That Even in our darkest moments, Christ will never , ever leave me, but that he will always be there to comfort me.(John 14:18)
6. That the atonement of Jesus Christ is for EVERYONE.
7. That Jospeh Smith saw God the Father and his son Jesus Christ.
8. That Jesus Christ restored His church and the fullness of His gospel through His servant Joseph Smith.
9. That my savior will indeed come once more and reign on the this earth personally.
10. That obedience is the 1st principle of the gospel (Moses 5:5-6).
11. The temple is the house of the Lord here on earth and there we can receive further light and knowledge from our Heavenly Father.
12. That thanks to the condescension of Jesus Christ, He allows any desirous sinner to receive forgiveness of any sin.
13. What true charity means.
14. That no other joy compares to that of seeing a child of God, humbled to the point of repentance and making sacred covenants with our Heavenly Father.
15. That Jesus Christ is Jehovah, God of the old testament.
16. That my patriarchal blessing is my personal Liahona.
17. That exaltation is my only eternal goal.
18. That I need to be a disciple of Jesus Christ for my entire life.
19. That daily scripture study is necessary for our earthly progression.
20. Knowledge is power. (D&C 131:6).
21. That miracles still exist and will continue to exist as long as the children of God have sufficient faith .
22. That we are to be tested and to have joy in this life.
23. That this is 100% the true church of Jesus Christ here on earth.
24. I have come to understand a tad of why Christ "Wept" due to the love I have acquired for God`s children here in Bolivia.
25. That in life there are good things, better things, and best things. (Dallin H. Oaks).
26.That as long as my testimony is strong, the persecution can`t make me deny what I know to be true.
27. That music is a powerful way to invite the spirit.
28. That the most important of the Lord`s work I will ever do will be within the walls of my own home (Harold B. Lee).
29. I learned that when I teach with the spirit, sometimes I even teach myself in the process.
30. That God still talks face-to-face with his prophets.
31. That the priesthood is God`s permission given to worthy men to act in His name here on earth.
32. That the sacrament is the #1 reason for going to church every week.
33. That we always need to have the end in mind.
34. That all spirit is matter and that science goes hand in hand with the laws of heaven (D&C 131:7-8).
35. That the mercy of Christ satisfies the demands of justice.
36. That I, as was Nephi, have been born of goodly parents.
37. "That by small means the Lord can bring about great things." (1 Ne. 16:29)
38. That the fruits of the mission are manifest after one is home.
39. That God doesn`t expect us to be perfect (yet), but rather that he wants us to give our very best.
40. That part of God`s plan was that Adam and Eve would fall.
41. That I can never fully repay my Savior for all he suffered for me individually in the garden of Gethsemane.
42. That I have the same potential as all my spiritual brothers and sisters to return and live forever in God`s presence and that I can become as He is.
43. That when we are in the service of our fellow beings, we are truly in the service of our God.
44. That the harvest is great and that a marvelous work has come forth among the children of men.
45. That Moroni`s promise is fulfilled in ANY person who follows the 3 points outlined in Moroni 10:3-5.
46. The requisites for living with my Heavenly Father again.
47. How being an example for others strengthens my own testimony.
48. That if God has forgotten and forgiven it, than so should I.
49. That God listens to and answers my prayers.
50. That the most important convert from my mission has been myself.
51. That the Lord is quick to forgive, but it is us who sometimes continue to dwell on the past.
52. The Lord expects progress, not perfection (yet).
53. That nothing can replace the blessings received in the temple.
54. That the church is perfect, and the members are not.
55. That we need to look at people as they can become and not necessarily as they currently are.
56. That I, as did Peter, have to had to leave some "nets" behind in order to better follow my Savior.
57. That sometimes we receive unexpected answers to our prayers.
58. That "Bible" means books and "testament" also means covenant.
59. That we sometimes have to cling to our faith and not always what`s seen.
60. That through Noah`s son, Ham, was Cain`s curse preserved after the flood.
61. That little independent intelligences make up everything and that they can also "obey".
62. That Christ was foreordained to be the Savior before the world was.
63. That a long interaction with a high spiritual presence produces a physical tiredness/exhaustion (moses 1:9-10).
64. That all spirits desire to have bodies (D&C 138:50).
65. That the gift of tongues is real and that I am a living testimony of such.
66. That the earth was once baptized by water (i.e. flood of Noah) and will some day be cleansed by fire (i.e. end of the world) and will receive its "paradisaical glory".
67. That being learned is good if we hearken unto the Lord (2 Ne. 9:29).
68. That Thomas had to see and feel the resurrected Christ as part of the requirements of being an apostle (John 20:26 & D&C 107:23).
69. The how and why Christ is our personal mediator.
70. That we are all tempted, even as Christ was, but that yielding to said temptations is what causes sin and brings punishment.
71. That baptism is the 1st covenant that leads us back to our heavenly home.
72. That being convinced of the gospel is not enough....We must truly be converted to it.
73. That I have many weaknesses, but that`s okay (Ether 12:27).
74. That fasting produces miracles.
75. That we should always be living our lives in such a way that we are worthy to enter into the Lord`s Holy temple.
76. That the spirit world is here on earth.
77. That self-sufficiency is what the Lord expects for us.
78. That I`m really going to miss my Bolivian family.
79. That "appreciation" is an essential effective gospel teaching tool.
80. How to take initiative and be a leader.
81. How to develop Christlike attributes and happy them.
82. That the best things in life require sacrifices.
83. That there truly is no more important thing in this life other than spending time with family.
84. That do to the condescension of Jesus Christ , no one is out of reach from the redeeming power of Christ`s atonement.
85. That through faith and faithfulness, the Lord will and has bestowed many blessings upon me.
86. That in its simplicity, repentance is change.
87. How to put others interests as my first priorities and not my own interests.
88. Why Jesus Christ is referred to as the "Lamb of God".
89. How to love and see others as Christ sees them: Potential Celestial Joint-Heirs.
90. That despite the length of the race, the most important step is the first one.
91. That after over 6,000+ years, Lucifer is a master at what he does, but no power or influence is stronger than that of my Heavenly Father.
92. That the Plan of Salvation is our personal cheat sheet to return to our heavenly Father`s presence.
93. That the Holy Ghost is my daily personal guide.
94. That because my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ was resurrected, I too will one day resurrect.
95. That faith, patience , and diligence produce spiritual miracles.
96. That will not be heaven to me if I am not there with my family.
97. That trials and tests are for our own spiritual/temporal benefit as we learn to progress in this life.
98. That God`s power comes from glory and honor.
99. How to love and teach as Christ would have if he were by my side.
100. That despite having stumbled at times throughout these past two years at times, I know that my Heavenly Father is "well pleased" with my sacrifice and missionary service.
The mission has changed me. I have changed people here in Bolivia. Although they may not have been the best 730 individual days of my life, without a doubt they have been the best 2 years. See you all soon.
Elder Connor Ryan deCocq
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
My Final Area.....Tarija, Bolivia
I transferred from Santa Cruz 3 weeks ago and was assigned to the Tarija area in the westernmost part of the Mission. This is my final area and then I'll be headed home on August 20th after serving for 2 years in the Santa Cruz Bolivia Mission.
However, I still have 3 weeks of work to do here and we are being super productive. There are many locals here in Tarija who are very open to hearing the gospel, letting us help them, and just being good people to us as we are to them. I've learned that as much as I am teaching them they are likewise teaching me about who I am and who I want to be. This mission is so amazing and I will always love it and the people here.
In my previous area in Santa Cruz, we said goodbye to our Mission President, President and Sister Rodriguez and welcomed our new President couple, President and Sister Stanford, who will be serving here in the mission for the next 3 years. They are going to be just as amazing as President Rodriguez and his wife.
Here in Tarija this area is so much different than Santa Cruz, where I was for over a year. Its much higher altitude and winter (which it is now) is very definite here. It actually snowed here in Tarija last week for the first time many decades. It was pretty exciting to see, and especially for the people who live here. We even made a muñeca de nieve, of course (snowman)
I can't believe this time has gone so fast and I'll be sad to leave all the friends I've made here and the amazing saints I've helped bring the gospel to, but its getting close to that time to head home and start the next chapter. BYU, family, friends, etc.....but I'll be keeping in touch with everyone here even after I am home. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone back home.
Love, Elder Connor deCocq
However, I still have 3 weeks of work to do here and we are being super productive. There are many locals here in Tarija who are very open to hearing the gospel, letting us help them, and just being good people to us as we are to them. I've learned that as much as I am teaching them they are likewise teaching me about who I am and who I want to be. This mission is so amazing and I will always love it and the people here.
In my previous area in Santa Cruz, we said goodbye to our Mission President, President and Sister Rodriguez and welcomed our new President couple, President and Sister Stanford, who will be serving here in the mission for the next 3 years. They are going to be just as amazing as President Rodriguez and his wife.
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President and Sister Stanford in 2nd row. |
President and Sister Rodriguez |
Here in Tarija this area is so much different than Santa Cruz, where I was for over a year. Its much higher altitude and winter (which it is now) is very definite here. It actually snowed here in Tarija last week for the first time many decades. It was pretty exciting to see, and especially for the people who live here. We even made a muñeca de nieve, of course (snowman)
My 'group' now who came out together from the MTC |
There I am...top row, last transfer. Next stop, HOME! |
If you are reading this on email, click here to see the video
I can't believe this time has gone so fast and I'll be sad to leave all the friends I've made here and the amazing saints I've helped bring the gospel to, but its getting close to that time to head home and start the next chapter. BYU, family, friends, etc.....but I'll be keeping in touch with everyone here even after I am home. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone back home.
Love, Elder Connor deCocq
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Still Finding Lost Souls and 3 Months Left
** Dad note: Since we now get to speak to Connor each week we don't get emails so I have to arrange the blog posts based on what we have talked about rather than a direct email or transcripts from journals.
Hi Everyone! Its been awhile, I know. I've been in the Abudancia area of southeast Santa Cruz for a few transfers now and changed companions from Elder Farnsworth to Elder Cope, who I also came into the mission with at the MTC. We are having a great time together and we are being very productive. I have been in this area for over three transfers now and I am still really loving the area and the people a lot. We have arranged for a lot of baptisms, but more importantly, 'conversions'. That is the key. Baptisms mean nothing if the person hasn't received a true testimony of the gospel and Jesus Christ. My goal is to help them find that.
With all the trips to Robore we have done since before Christmas, we feel its kind of played out for now. We were hoping it would be productive for us but its really not so right now so the 5 hour each-way bus ride for 2 days isn't an efficient use of our time and we are going to keep concentrating on our area here. But, the things I have gotten to see in Robore and the friends we made were incredible. It some of the most beautiful country in Bolivia with lush jungles, waterfalls, and rivers.
I can't believe I am in double-digits with my mission days remaining and as of today exactly 3 months left. I have my return flight information and will be coming home with my mission group back to Salt Lake City on Aug 23rd. Although it will be sad to leave what I have known in Bolivia for so long and the people I love, it will also be time for me get home to the people I love there and start the next chapter. I'll be starting BYU in the Fall and am looking forward to it.
Transfer are again this next week and Elder Cope and I are hoping for one more transfer together. Either way, Wherever and whenever I go next it will be my last area in the mission. Who knows where that might be and when, but I'd like to stay here one more round.
I hope you enjoy these pictures.
I love everyone back home. Send me an email...I love to hear from you all!
Elder Connor deCocq
Hi Everyone! Its been awhile, I know. I've been in the Abudancia area of southeast Santa Cruz for a few transfers now and changed companions from Elder Farnsworth to Elder Cope, who I also came into the mission with at the MTC. We are having a great time together and we are being very productive. I have been in this area for over three transfers now and I am still really loving the area and the people a lot. We have arranged for a lot of baptisms, but more importantly, 'conversions'. That is the key. Baptisms mean nothing if the person hasn't received a true testimony of the gospel and Jesus Christ. My goal is to help them find that.
With all the trips to Robore we have done since before Christmas, we feel its kind of played out for now. We were hoping it would be productive for us but its really not so right now so the 5 hour each-way bus ride for 2 days isn't an efficient use of our time and we are going to keep concentrating on our area here. But, the things I have gotten to see in Robore and the friends we made were incredible. It some of the most beautiful country in Bolivia with lush jungles, waterfalls, and rivers.
I can't believe I am in double-digits with my mission days remaining and as of today exactly 3 months left. I have my return flight information and will be coming home with my mission group back to Salt Lake City on Aug 23rd. Although it will be sad to leave what I have known in Bolivia for so long and the people I love, it will also be time for me get home to the people I love there and start the next chapter. I'll be starting BYU in the Fall and am looking forward to it.
Transfer are again this next week and Elder Cope and I are hoping for one more transfer together. Either way, Wherever and whenever I go next it will be my last area in the mission. Who knows where that might be and when, but I'd like to stay here one more round.
I hope you enjoy these pictures.
I love everyone back home. Send me an email...I love to hear from you all!
Elder Connor deCocq
Friday, February 15, 2019
My New Area, New Companion, and 6 Months to go!
Well, my time in the Mission Office came to an end after 8 months and I am now in a new area. I spent a lot of time training the new mission couple who took over the office duties from the elders. Brother and Sister Bullock are an amazing couple and they will do a great job. I’m leaving a really big piece of me in Cañoto, where the office was and my area. I’m going to miss the office and Elder Berges but the Lord now needs me a new area as a Zone Leader in another section of Santa Cruz on the outskirts known as Abundancia. I’m very grateful for all I have learned there, for the amazing people I got to know and come in contact with, and whose lives I was able to touch there. Much of what I learned there and in the field there has shaped my life and will continue to do so.
My new area, El Palmar 1, should bring me lots of joy and fruits. There are people waiting for me here and I am determined to find them and finish my last 6 months strong. Six months! I can’t believe that’s all I have left. So crazy its gone this fast.
So my new companion is Elder Farnsworth from Lehi, UT, so he is very near my home in Highland, UT also. He came out on his mission in the same group as me, but different MTC. It’s nice to be able to focus on the work 100% for now and not have to train, although I would be very willing to do so.
It seems no matter where I go, futsal is a thing on P-days. Everybody loves soccer in Bolivia, elders and locals alike, so we always have pick up games we are able to play. Since I love soccer so much, that’s really fun to have that every week.
I just found out that my friend from back home, Nathan Strong, got his mission call and is headed to Peru in May. I’m super excited for him and know he will be an amazing missionary.
Elder Farnsworth and I have really hit it off and work well together. We visited a recent convert, Alex Plata, and he told us his whole life story and the hardships he went through. When I hear stories like his, where he was so focused at 14 years old trying to keep his parents together so his little 7 year old sister could be raised in a home with a mom and a dad, I am just so grateful that I was blessed to be raised in such good home and a free country.
I am assisting Brother and Sister Bullock back in the mission office about once a week to get them up to speed, and pretty much daily by phone. It’s about a 15 minute ride by taxi from where we area to get back to downtown where the office is , which is way out on one of the far rings to the southeast of the city….a very poor area. I was spoiled to be in that area for 8 months because everyone is well-off there, for the most part. I got used to that and its very humbling to be back in the areas that are very destitute.
President Rodriguez has given me the authority to go back to Robore on as-needed basis to continue the work that Elder Berges and I started on assignment there. I have had to go there yet after this transfer, but I am ready to do so if the Branch President who is there needs us to do some work. I am excited for Elder Farnsworth to see Robore also.
I had to go to the hospital to get my big toe looked at after kicking a cement post while playing futsal. I didn’t think it was cement, which tells you I knew I was doing it, but thought it was soft. Lesson learned about controlling one’s temper. Anyway, just bruised, not broken. I deserved it.
We have lots of investigators, potential baptism, and scheduled baptisms coming up. Plus, we have completed baptisms and confirmed a few members already. This area is amazing and I can feel the Lord working through me to find these lost sheep.
I arranged and ran my first Zone Council meeting and we came up with a goal of 25 baptisms for the month of February.
Food note: I can make awesome French Toast now
We had a conference with a General Authority Seventy who came to visit us, Elder Alonso. We learned so much from him. The training he gave to the leaders in the mission blew me away. I learned that Apostles and Seventies are literal witnesses of the resurrected Savior, just as they were in Christ’s time. So, we put into practice those things we learned in that conference and contacted a ton of amazing children of God. He blesses the path of His faithful servants.
The days are just flying by in the mission now. As I mentioned above, there are only 6 months left for me here and I know I have a lot of work yet to do. I’m going to finish strong.
I wanted to leave a quick video message that is by far the biggest life changing talk I listen to almost daily. Don`t count the cost and serve in the position the Lord would have you serve for the time being. He truly knows what`s best for us.
My new area, El Palmar 1, should bring me lots of joy and fruits. There are people waiting for me here and I am determined to find them and finish my last 6 months strong. Six months! I can’t believe that’s all I have left. So crazy its gone this fast.
So my new companion is Elder Farnsworth from Lehi, UT, so he is very near my home in Highland, UT also. He came out on his mission in the same group as me, but different MTC. It’s nice to be able to focus on the work 100% for now and not have to train, although I would be very willing to do so.
It seems no matter where I go, futsal is a thing on P-days. Everybody loves soccer in Bolivia, elders and locals alike, so we always have pick up games we are able to play. Since I love soccer so much, that’s really fun to have that every week.
I just found out that my friend from back home, Nathan Strong, got his mission call and is headed to Peru in May. I’m super excited for him and know he will be an amazing missionary.
Elder Farnsworth and I have really hit it off and work well together. We visited a recent convert, Alex Plata, and he told us his whole life story and the hardships he went through. When I hear stories like his, where he was so focused at 14 years old trying to keep his parents together so his little 7 year old sister could be raised in a home with a mom and a dad, I am just so grateful that I was blessed to be raised in such good home and a free country.
I am assisting Brother and Sister Bullock back in the mission office about once a week to get them up to speed, and pretty much daily by phone. It’s about a 15 minute ride by taxi from where we area to get back to downtown where the office is , which is way out on one of the far rings to the southeast of the city….a very poor area. I was spoiled to be in that area for 8 months because everyone is well-off there, for the most part. I got used to that and its very humbling to be back in the areas that are very destitute.
President Rodriguez has given me the authority to go back to Robore on as-needed basis to continue the work that Elder Berges and I started on assignment there. I have had to go there yet after this transfer, but I am ready to do so if the Branch President who is there needs us to do some work. I am excited for Elder Farnsworth to see Robore also.
I had to go to the hospital to get my big toe looked at after kicking a cement post while playing futsal. I didn’t think it was cement, which tells you I knew I was doing it, but thought it was soft. Lesson learned about controlling one’s temper. Anyway, just bruised, not broken. I deserved it.
We have lots of investigators, potential baptism, and scheduled baptisms coming up. Plus, we have completed baptisms and confirmed a few members already. This area is amazing and I can feel the Lord working through me to find these lost sheep.
I arranged and ran my first Zone Council meeting and we came up with a goal of 25 baptisms for the month of February.
Food note: I can make awesome French Toast now
We had a conference with a General Authority Seventy who came to visit us, Elder Alonso. We learned so much from him. The training he gave to the leaders in the mission blew me away. I learned that Apostles and Seventies are literal witnesses of the resurrected Savior, just as they were in Christ’s time. So, we put into practice those things we learned in that conference and contacted a ton of amazing children of God. He blesses the path of His faithful servants.
The days are just flying by in the mission now. As I mentioned above, there are only 6 months left for me here and I know I have a lot of work yet to do. I’m going to finish strong.
I wanted to leave a quick video message that is by far the biggest life changing talk I listen to almost daily. Don`t count the cost and serve in the position the Lord would have you serve for the time being. He truly knows what`s best for us.
I miss everyone.
Elder Connor Ryan deCocq
DAD NOTE: As of today, Feb 15th, 2019, missionaries can CALL HOME every P-Day!....the 1st Presidency announced it today. So Exciting!!
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