Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Bermejo is Bomb! We are Successful Fishers! Viva Bolivia.

What it be what it do we are still here in Bermejo killing it. I got pictures this week and im gonna write more this week so here is the run down.

 1.Started drinking a lot more Maté which is bomb. Bought myself a Poro and a Bombilla. Looks like marijuana...promise it´s not. ( as far as I know )

2.Played futsal today with the district here in Bermejo for a good 2 and a half hours solid.

3. Had a district Churrasco after our futsal game with a non member family who have super money so we ate like kings. #Blessed

4.Also ate lunch last week as a district so thats the foto at the big table(im ugly yeah sorry)

5. Have 3 baptisms coming up the 10th of March!!!!

6. Cut my hair last week. Dumbo ears sticking out better than ever...nice. "Humpty dumpty haircut. -Elder Cope"

Here in Bermejo is actually super cool and the people here are all super nice. Loving now that the weather is cooling down a bit and i dont get super red and sweat everyday. Coming up on winter here in Paradise so that should be good.

But yeah seriously the mission is awesome. I am really loving being here in Bermejo. The missionaries here are amazing, the members are all super helpful and the things i am learning that will help me in the future are more than i could ever ask for. I challenge and invite every young man who is thinking about serving a mission to just do it. Not gonna lie the beginning of the mission is by the far the hardest thing i have ever done in my life but once i got adjusted to the missionary life i wouldn´t change my decison to serve the Lord and the people of Bolivia for any amount of money in the world.

This is the Pensionista´s kid and he is so cute and funny hahahahaha. We call him "Chiqui"

18 MONTHS LEFT!!! 😁😁😁

Here are my journal entries from this week.....ENJOY

Love to Everyone...Chau!

    - Elder Connor deCocq

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Five months into the Mission & 'Cristo Gigante!'

I've been out exactly 5 months today!  I can't believe how fast its going and the amazing work for the Lord we have been blessed to accomplish.
"I Love You So....Mish?"
Today's email is short, but I have lots of good pics!

Well, my first real week here in Bermejo was crazy hot and humid but nothing too bad. It's still short sleeve shirts every day.  And, we didn't get the bad floods that other areas not too far from here did this last week. Beremejo is not huge....its about 2 miles by 1 mile in size.  Its right across the river from Aguas Blancas, Argentina


I think I mentioned it last week, but we there are four of us living in one casa...two companionships.  One of the elders from Peru is in his training and has only been out a few short weeks.  He is doing well and fun to be around (plus, I'm not the greenie anymore!).

So....we sang Christmas hymns in sacrament meeting in the Branch this week.  Apparently they haven't advanced the calendar past December.  That was interesting.  Viva Bolivia!

We helped make some bread for the people who prepare out food each day.  They have a bread business also so we got to roll it up and get it ready to go in the brick oven.

My area is basically a jungle and right by the Rio Bermejo (see my video at the end of this blog post).  Its very different from Santa Cruz.

Just like in Rio de Janeiro, we have a 'Giant Jesus' who overlooks the town.  We hiked up to it today and got some pics.
Cristo Gigante! (I think there are a few peeps who
are going to have to answer to higher authority for
tagging a Jesus statue.....not cool)
Sort of unlike me, I made sure to get some 'squad pics' with the elders who live in our house
Check out the huge, crazy bugs I found this week too!

Thats all for this week.  Sorry I didn't get pics of my journal entries this week, but I have pics and videos

Chau, y te amo!

Elder deCocq

VIDEOS:  For those just reading the email, click here to see the videos in my blog (the videos don't link in the email)

                                  My Spanish rocks....just sayin'